Brad R. Jones, Jr.
If the title of this little piece of writing seemed odd, then, it accomplished its purpose. However, please allow me explain. In 2020, I got into a horrible car accident. To quickly give you a picture of it, let’s just say she was going 70 mph and I was coming to a complete stop. She rear-ended me inconveniently relocating my trunk to my back seat. The impact knocked me unconscious momentarily. The MRI report that was done revealed 7 bulging and herniated discs because of the impact of the crash. The crash was the crash. However, I was left with one resounding thought. “WE DIE!” This resounding awakening has motivated me to wake up every day and give my all. “WE DIE!” What we don’t accomplish in our lives will simply remain not accomplished.
At the time of the crash, I was running my company as a side job and working full-time in educational administration. Here’s the reality that that crash eventually awakened. I CAN ALWAYS GO GET ANOTHER JOB!
However, I will not have another lifetime to build a business.
I will not have another lifetime to develop generational wealth for my children.
I will not have another lifetime to eventually build a schedule that works around me where I can go eat lunch at school with my children, or plan and take a Tuesday off just because I want to while not worrying about money.
I can, however, go get another job if this were to fail. So what had stopped me all this time?
You know what stopped me. You do. It’s the same thing that stopped you. It’s the same thing that still creeps in and lies to you from time to time: What if I fail?
However, on a state highway as the ambulance removed me from my vehicle, I had the thought I shared with you. Only for me, that fateful day could have been the end. I could be dead, and everything that I hadn’t been brave enough to do would’ve remained undone.
WE DIE! So with the days you have left, be brave enough to chase the dream that awaits on the other side of fear. You can always get another job!
Your friendly neighborhood business coach,